Aaaaaaahhhh.... peace at last!
We have left the mania of Delhi behind us, following a rather traumatic bus journey that took us on a tour of all the bus driver's friends' houses before arriving at a town about half an hour away from where we were supposed to be... excellent, 5am, dropped in some random carpark in THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!!! A bit helpless so we accept the first offer of a room that comes our way, the guy seemed genuine and was grinning like a 5 year old at Christmas when we arrived at his sweet little guest house in the hills. Turns out we are in a place called Laxman Jhula, near Rishikesh, and we are really glad that fate took us here cos it's bloody gooooorgeous!!!!!
After a few hours rest out of the midday heat we began a little stroll down to the River Ganges. Oooo it is lovely here, a long and slightly wobbly foot bridge takes you accross the river (with monkeys and motorbikes in our path) and we are seeing the foothills of the Himalyas for the first time, breathtaking views with dramatic mist hanging over the mountain peaks, and lush forest all around. And nice clean air!
A bit of the history stuff: This area is famous for yoga and meditation and ayuvedic medicine (a mixture of homeopathy, spiritual healing and yoga and massage therapies). There are many famous and rather grand temples here, Ashrams (yoga school type thingys), apparently the Beatles came here to become enlightened by Yogi Gupta - the big daddy of yoga... he was like the bestestest in the whole wide world...
Having become seriously enlightend (if not a bit dizzy) after walking round and round, up 10 storeys of Yogi Bear's temple and ringing 50,000 bells on the way up we decided to fill our bellies in a beautiful roof-top restaurant where we ate the bestestest food yet... Katie's belly is beginning to recover and anyway, she is eating regardless cos she was getting rather hungry!! Frequent toilet stops are easier here as the toilets are cleaner and it is easier to find one in which you are not accompanied by a hoard of unidentifyable insects and objects lurking in and around the hole... Hmmmmm.
Next morning (Saturday 22nd)... we heard the disturbing noise of the alarm clock (it's bin a while... especially for katie!) 8.00 start, how uncivilised! Oh well, a trip rafting on the Ganges beckoned, so it was not hard to get out of bed! We piled in the boat with another group of white pasty Anglo Saxons and cruised down the tame but rather enjoyable rapids, mostly we were told to jump in and float...mmm so cold and refreshing, lots of Ganges water in my belly now... not sure if I am blessed or cursed by this!!??
Tomorrow we are off the Manali to begin our trek in the mountains proper! So you won't hear from us for a couple of weeks... I'm sure you will cope!
Loads of love to you all,
Katie and Seb
Recent losses: Lonely Planet of India in bus (sorry mum I will buy you a new (used) one!); Camera USB cable - maybe in darkest hidden depths of rucksack or river?? therefore no personal fotos from us...for the moment!!
General Health Status: both rocking a healthy lifestyle with beard (Katie has not quite cultivated hers yet, but I'm sure it won't be long) and hippy outfits increasing, slowly (moderate or poor (sorry slipped into a Radio 4 shipping forecast for a moment there: VIKING NORTH UTSIRE SOUTHERLY BACKING EASTERLY 5 TO 7, DECREASING 3 OR 4. SHOWERS. GOOD)
Book recommendations: We are both reading fantastic books about India if anyone is interested, they are really embelishing our trip and will give you all some idea of what life is like out here: A Fine Balance, by Rohinton Mistry; Shantaram, by Gregory David Roberts