Centre of Martinborough
What a lovely town this is....its got about 20 wineries and Katie and I could have tasted some more reds if we didn't have to drive back 1.5 h...oh well a nice day out it was anywhoooo..
Current location - La Paz, Bolivia. Altitude: 3,600m!!
What a lovely town this is....its got about 20 wineries and Katie and I could have tasted some more reds if we didn't have to drive back 1.5 h...oh well a nice day out it was anywhoooo..
I love this picture. This is the pedestrian access to the West Pac Rugby stadium in Wellington.
3am. Sitting at the bar waiting for another drink...Leaning heavily on my elbows to find my balance and rest the camera on the table....snap...nice picture I think....I still like my old digital, its pocket sized, indistructable after a heavy binge and takes great pictures on my behalf...sweet as as they say here