Current location - La Paz, Bolivia. Altitude: 3,600m!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Here's our proposed itinerary...

September 16th
London - Delhi

October 17th
Delhi - Hong Kong

November 11th
Beijing - Hong Kong

November 18th
Hong Kong - Auckland

Dates not yet confirmed
Christchurch - Sydney

Sydney - Melbourne

Melbourne - Hobart

Hobart - Sydney

Sydney - Santiago, Chile

Santiago - Lima, Peru

Santiago - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires - Santiago

Santiago - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro - London


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi world travellers,

we wish you a great start for your journey! We're excited to read the stories and watch the pics you'll post on your blog.

Many greetings from "Seehasencity"

Apfel & Andrea

5:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola from sunny spain.

I see that you are already integrated into the Indian culture and that you are enjoying every moment! cant wait to read more of your trip's stories!!!

hasta pronto,

Yann & Silvi

2:33 AM

Blogger Alec Khlebopros D.C. said...

Hey Seb remember when we met Monish in Canada, the indian guy when you me and my ex Anna went to Canada. Hey do you conversate in Quicky Mart terminology with the local population, just thought how thats going. following your tour closely.

11:45 AM


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